
Friday, October 06, 2006

This song was a record!!! It has very nice tempo, understandable and realistic lyrics and the message is so easy to understand... The rhytym is so easy to remember, as if it was a last song syndrome... so so so so so nice....
ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA >>> one of my favorite..

Throw It Away(Toby Rand)
Verse 1:

I see the monsters causing trouble
In my head (oh ah oh….)
Hallucinations of a naturemaking me wanna scream aloud
Wake up girl your sleepy eyesare dripping morning sex (oh ah oh….)

The other night I couldn’t fight
and now I want revenge, my hazy lover

(I just don’t need itchemical dreamingthrowing it all away) x2
throwing it all away
These other people found the sequel

to my mistrust again (oh ah oh)
I want another life, to begin again

I want another life, to begin again
I can see the steeple,
Gonna kneel, do forgive my sins (oh ah oh….)

Chorus: ….
I just don’t need it chemical dreaming

throwing it all away
I just don’t need it, can’t stop bleeding
need a recovery
I just don’t need it chemical dreaming
throwing it all away

verse 1

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